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The logistics of hosting a tournament:

Numbers: expect to host about 300 people. Our tournaments have around 250 debaters and 50 adults/high school students who serve as judges, coaches, and observers.

Volunteers: schools need to recruit volunteers to sell lunch tickets, order pizza, receive and distribute lunch, and provide directions to classrooms.  Hosts are not responsible for other operations–the CTMSDL provides drinks, paper goods and awards and runs the event.

Facilities: scrimmages and regular tournaments require 40 classrooms. CTMSDL will also require use of the host school’s cafeteria and the auditorium. We will also need microphones for use in the cafeteria and auditorium and access to wifi and a copier throughout the day.

Timing: registration for CTMSDL tournaments begins at 9:30 am so host schools need to be open by 8:30 am for set-up. CTMSDL events will be completed by 5 pm.

Services: host schools are responsible for providing custodial services.

Why host?

  1. Your debaters don’t need to be transported to the event, saving expense and time.
  2. Your debaters’ parents can observe their children in action.
  3. School administrators can find out first hand what competitive debate is all about.
  4. Debaters are more comfortable debating at their own schools.
  5. Debaters love showing off their schools.

Most importantly, the CTMSDL wouldn’t exist without its host schools. Thank you to all of our hosts!

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