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Debate Camps for Middle School Students

Click here to download a list of day and sleep-away camps for middle and high school students.

Other Debate Opportunities for Middle Schoolers

Click here for information on other debate leagues and tournaments in Connecticut and surrounding areas.

New York Debate League Teacher Workshop

The NY Debate League is hosting a free Teacher Workshop: Teaching Debate and Argumentation, on Thursday, March 3, 2016 at the English-Speaking Union in Manhattan.  You can download a flyer describing the course and how to register. You can also…

CivicsFirst Middle School Debate Topic Announced

CivicsFirst CT has announced the topic, but not the date, for their annual Middle School policy debate tournament.  Find information at CivicsFirst web site.  

CivicsFirst Middle School Debate April 23

CivicsFirst offers another opportunity for Middle School debate.  Their tournament will be held on Thursday, April 23, at John Winthrop Middle School in Deep River. Details may be found at:

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